$425.00 On sale
In studio 306 (1100 Broadway 78215)
30-45 MINS
Newborn only, up to 21 days
Swaddled and simple posed bean bag or potato sack shots, depending on baby.
Your choice of up to 5 digital backdrops
Baby must come milk drunk.
$425. Total
All images delivered digitally with full print release. Not all images will be fully edited but the best of the best will be. I average 20+ fully edited plus black and white conversion with each short newborn session. You will also receive all images taken during our session in a separate gallery.
We photograph newborns on weekdays. We have some weekends available, but it is very limited. Please add $25 for weekend sessions.
THIS IS ALL YOU PAY. There are no sitting fees and then print ordering. When complete, you will get a disk that you can take anywhere and order prints from.
All sales are final. You must contact us to schedule your session as soon as possible.